Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Link Roundup Job Search Advice for the Holidays - Walrath Recruiting, Inc.

Link Roundup Job Search Advice for the Holidays - Walrath Recruiting, Inc. The holidays are an odd time of year if you are searching for a new job. Everything seems to slow down, even if you want to keep moving forward to try and find the right opportunity. Although it can still be worthwhile to apply, you may need to change your strategy until 2018 is here and hiring picks up again. In this weeks Link Roundup, weve gathered advice that will help you boost your holiday job search, and prepare for a strong 2018. 3 Year-End Networking Moves to Help Your 2018 Job Search As we mentioned in the introduction, you may have to change up some techniques in your job search during the holiday season. This is typically a good time to focus on networking, since there will be so many opportunities to do so. Give those in your network a call, or send a card to wish them a happy holidays. You never know what interactions may result in an opportunity! The holidays are a great time to get in touch with those you havent contacted in awhile, and it just may benefit your job search! How to Apply for a New Job After Youve Been Fired Many companies look back on their past year, and analyze their budget. Unfortunately, sometimes this results in end of the year cuts. If youve fallen victim to these layoffs, this blog is for you! The guide from the Harvard Business Review is exhaustively thorough and should help you realize the steps you need to take to get back on track in your career. If youre looking for proof positive, the article also includes case studies of people who successfully returned to work. 10 Ways to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Attractive to Recruiters Not getting the traction you want on your LinkedIn profile? There are a few changes you should make to optimize your profile. Many companies will be looking to fill new positions at the beginning of 2018, so now is a good time to get your LinkedIn profile up to speed. Just like a resume, your profile is at its best when its constantly updated. This article from Forbes can work like a 10 step check list, and once youre done your profile will be much better off! 1 Personality Trait Steve Jobs Always Looked for When Hiring for Apple A recent video of Steve Jobs sharing his hiring philosophy has become popular, and watching it in retrospect is very interesting. He speaks about how they made hiring decisions early on in the process. As a young company, they knew traditional methods and traditional people wouldnt share the vision required to get the company to where it is today. Instead, they focused on one trait that is highlighted in this article. It also includes the original video, if you want to check it out. Suspend Your Job Search Till New Years and Do This in the Meantime While the title may seem to suggest a total halt of your job search during the holidays, thats not quite accurate. Instead, the article recommends using holiday parties and volunteer opportunities to network. As we stated in the first link, this is one of the best times of the year to network! If youre looking for advice specific to holiday parties and volunteering, this is makes for a great read. Career Advice: How to Triple Your Salary in 5 Years A title like that has promises a lot, but the advice in the article is sound. While it may not quite reach the heights of tripling your salary, it should help give it a nice healthy boost. Some involve things you can do to help your salary in your current job, and it also suggests working on a supplemental form of income. Following these suggestions will ensure that your salary continues to grow year after year. These Are the 10 Habits That Drive Recruiters Crazy When it comes to your job search, you should make sure youre catering to recruiters. Recruiters are the ones who sift through resumes, decide who to interview, and suggest who to hire. Any behavior that they would find off putting should be avoided at all costs! For example, one habit on the list is bad mouthing past employers. No matter how bad your past company was to work for, talking negatively about them in an interview never makes you look any better. Check out the full list to know what to avoid! 6 Ways to Make Sure Your Resume Gets Read The worst fear of a job applicant is probably that their resume never sees the light of day. Want your resume to get the attention it deserves? Then you have to take certain steps to increase the chance of that happening. This article from Entrepreneur does a great job of outlining 6 of the most important steps you can take. While many professionals may argue about Step #5 (keeping your resume to one page), the other steps can certainly be agreed upon as valuable steps to take. Thats all for this week! The holidays are great for spending time with family and friends, but unfortunately its usually a slow time in terms of hiring. We hope the advice above helps you prepare for a great year in 2018!

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